28 Dec 2020

Executive Director of Key Risk Consulting Asia, Robert Youill was honoured to be invited to deliver a Keynote Speech on ‘Fraud and Corruption: The First 48hrs After Discovery’, alongside regional subject matter experts in fraud, corruption and compliance, to delegates of the 2 nd  Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Summit 2020, conducted on 10 July 2020. Delegates fr...

17 Sep 2019

One thing often overlooked by sole-traders and some small-to-medium business enterprises, is the need to conduct adequate risk assessments. This approach is not only slipshod business practice, but is also inherently risky in itself; after all, your source of income, your family’s well-being, your reputation, public safety, your employees and other people who depend on the smooth uninte...

22 Nov 2018

Presenting investigative methods to different cultural groups in various countries always presents challenges, not just in terms of language, cultural norms and local laws, but also from the way that their working procedures limit them, or allow them, to do things in ways different to what we have been doing throughout our careers. Now, this is not necessarily a bad thing if you don’t ju...

01 Nov 2018

In the wake of Malaysia’s 14th General Elections in May this year, an important piece of legislation has come into law. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2009 has now been amended to introduce, for the first-time, corporate liability for bribery and corruption activity. This piece of important legislation was quietly moved through the legislator just days before the May 20...

03 Oct 2018

In late September we were pleased to have had the opportunity to present to partners and staff of DLA Piper UK LLP from the Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong offices, over a two day period in September 2018 by tele-conferencing link, our tailored training course in non-confrontational interview techniques. The training had two main aims; first to introduce the principles of legality, et...

20 Mar 2018

We are proud to announce that on Monday the 10th March 2018 Key Risk Consulting Asia entered into a formal  partnership with Atlas Solutions ( Malaysia)  to enhance our security related services . Atlas Solutions is a provider  of  high quality  close protection operative services  and is  a UK Government approved provider of Level 3  close protection training courses . The relationship ...

28 Jan 2018

Key Risk Consulting has recently been appointed as Internal Quality Assessor for Atlas Solutions, who are authorised to deliver UK-accredited security courses which include the RQF Level 3 Close Protection Certificate amongst other qualifications. Key Risk is dedicated to ensuring that all UK-accredited companies comply with the high standards which are required by the UK Home Office’s S...

21 Nov 2017

On the morning of 15th November 2017 Key Risk Consulting Asia together with Atlas Solutions a Malaysia based personal protection training company, conducted a two-hour safety and security seminar for parents of children attending the Garden International School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Bob Youill-Founder and Executive Director at Key Risk together with Raymond Chiu a Partner at Key Ri...